// qsamplerDeviceForm.ui.h // // ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2005, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include "config.h" // Kind of constructor. void qsamplerDeviceForm::init (void) { // Initialize locals. m_pMainForm = NULL; m_pClient = NULL; m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_bNewDevice = false; m_deviceType = qsamplerDevice::None; m_pAudioItems = NULL; m_pMidiItems = NULL; // This an outsider (from designer), but rather important. QObject::connect(DeviceParamTable, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(changeDeviceParam(int,int))); QObject::connect(DevicePortParamTable, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(changeDevicePortParam(int,int))); // Initial contents. refreshDevices(); // Try to restore normal window positioning. adjustSize(); } // Kind of destructor. void qsamplerDeviceForm::destroy (void) { } // Notify our parent that we're emerging. void qsamplerDeviceForm::showEvent ( QShowEvent *pShowEvent ) { if (m_pMainForm) m_pMainForm->stabilizeForm(); stabilizeForm(); QWidget::showEvent(pShowEvent); } // Notify our parent that we're closing. void qsamplerDeviceForm::hideEvent ( QHideEvent *pHideEvent ) { QWidget::hideEvent(pHideEvent); if (m_pMainForm) m_pMainForm->stabilizeForm(); } // Application main form settler (life depends on it). void qsamplerDeviceForm::setMainForm ( qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm ) { m_pMainForm = pMainForm; } // Device configuration dialog setup formal initializer. void qsamplerDeviceForm::setClient ( lscp_client_t *pClient ) { // If it has not changed, do nothing. if (m_pClient && m_pClient == pClient) return; // Set new reference. m_pClient = pClient; // OK. Do a whole refresh around. refreshDevices(); } // Set current selected device by type and id. void qsamplerDeviceForm::setDevice ( qsamplerDevice::qsamplerDeviceType deviceType, int iDeviceID ) { // Get the device view root item... qsamplerDeviceItem *pRootItem = NULL; switch (deviceType) { case qsamplerDevice::Audio: pRootItem = m_pAudioItems; break; case qsamplerDevice::Midi: pRootItem = m_pMidiItems; break; case qsamplerDevice::None: break; } // Is the root present? if (pRootItem == NULL) return; // For each child, test for identity... qsamplerDeviceItem *pDeviceItem = (qsamplerDeviceItem *) pRootItem->firstChild(); while (pDeviceItem) { // If identities match, select as current device item. if (pDeviceItem->device().deviceID() == iDeviceID) { DeviceListView->setSelected(pDeviceItem, true); break; } pDeviceItem = (qsamplerDeviceItem *) pDeviceItem->nextSibling(); } } // Create a new device from current table view. void qsamplerDeviceForm::createDevice (void) { if (m_pMainForm == NULL) return; QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; // About a brand new device instance... qsamplerDevice device(((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device()); if (device.createDevice()) { // Now it depends on the device type... qsamplerDeviceItem *pRootItem = NULL; switch (device.deviceType()) { case qsamplerDevice::Audio: pRootItem = m_pAudioItems; break; case qsamplerDevice::Midi: pRootItem = m_pMidiItems; break; case qsamplerDevice::None: break; } // Append the new device item. qsamplerDeviceItem *pDeviceItem = new qsamplerDeviceItem(pRootItem, m_pMainForm, device.deviceType(), device.deviceID()); // Just make it the new selection... DeviceListView->setSelected(pDeviceItem, true); // Main session should be marked dirty. m_pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } } // Delete current device in table view. void qsamplerDeviceForm::deleteDevice (void) { if (m_pMainForm == NULL) return; QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Prompt user if this is for real... qsamplerOptions *pOptions = m_pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions && pOptions->bConfirmRemove) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Delete device:\n\n" "%1\n\n" "Are you sure?") .arg(device.deviceName()), tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return; } // Go and destroy... if (device.deleteDevice()) { // Remove it from the device view... delete pItem; // Main session should be marked dirty. m_pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } } // Refresh all device list and views. void qsamplerDeviceForm::refreshDevices (void) { if (m_pMainForm == NULL) return; // Avoid nested changes. m_iDirtySetup++; // // (Re)Load complete device configuration data ... // m_pAudioItems = NULL; m_pMidiItems = NULL; DeviceListView->clear(); if (m_pClient) { int *piDeviceIDs; // Grab and pop Audio devices... m_pAudioItems = new qsamplerDeviceItem(DeviceListView, m_pMainForm, qsamplerDevice::Audio); if (m_pAudioItems) { piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(m_pClient, qsamplerDevice::Audio); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { new qsamplerDeviceItem(m_pAudioItems, m_pMainForm, qsamplerDevice::Audio, piDeviceIDs[i]); } m_pAudioItems->setOpen(true); } // Grab and pop MIDI devices... m_pMidiItems = new qsamplerDeviceItem(DeviceListView, m_pMainForm, qsamplerDevice::Midi); if (m_pMidiItems) { piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(m_pClient, qsamplerDevice::Midi); for (int i = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[i] >= 0; i++) { new qsamplerDeviceItem(m_pMidiItems, m_pMainForm, qsamplerDevice::Midi, piDeviceIDs[i]); } m_pMidiItems->setOpen(true); } } // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; // Show something. selectDevice(); } // Driver selection slot. void qsamplerDeviceForm::selectDriver ( const QString& sDriverName ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Driver name has changed for a new device... // QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Driver change is only valid for scratch devices... if (m_bNewDevice) { m_iDirtySetup++; device.setDriver(sDriverName); DeviceParamTable->refresh(device.params(), m_bNewDevice); m_iDirtySetup--; // Done. stabilizeForm(); } } // Device selection slot. void qsamplerDeviceForm::selectDevice (void) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Device selection has changed... // QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) { m_deviceType = qsamplerDevice::None; DeviceNameTextLabel->setText(QString::null); DeviceParamTable->setNumRows(0); DevicePortComboBox->clear(); DevicePortParamTable->setNumRows(0); DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(false); DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(false); stabilizeForm(); return; } qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); m_iDirtySetup++; // Flag whether this is a new device. m_bNewDevice = (device.deviceID() < 0); // Fill the device/driver heading... DeviceNameTextLabel->setText(device.deviceName()); // The driver combobox is only rebuilt if device type has changed... if (device.deviceType() != m_deviceType) { DriverNameComboBox->clear(); DriverNameComboBox->insertStringList( qsamplerDevice::getDrivers(m_pClient, device.deviceType())); m_deviceType = device.deviceType(); } // Do we need a driver name? if (m_bNewDevice || device.driverName().isEmpty()) device.setDriver(DriverNameComboBox->currentText()); const QString& sDriverName = device.driverName(); if (DriverNameComboBox->listBox()->findItem(sDriverName, Qt::ExactMatch) == NULL) DriverNameComboBox->insertItem(sDriverName); DriverNameComboBox->setCurrentText(sDriverName); DriverNameTextLabel->setEnabled(m_bNewDevice); DriverNameComboBox->setEnabled(m_bNewDevice); // Fill the device parameter table... DeviceParamTable->refresh(device.params(), m_bNewDevice); // And now the device port/channel parameter table... DevicePortComboBox->clear(); DevicePortParamTable->setNumRows(0); if (m_bNewDevice) { DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(false); DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(false); } else { QPixmap pixmap; switch (device.deviceType()) { case qsamplerDevice::Audio: pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource("audio2.png"); break; case qsamplerDevice::Midi: pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource("midi2.png"); break; case qsamplerDevice::None: break; } qsamplerDevicePortList& ports = device.ports(); qsamplerDevicePort *pPort; for (pPort = ports.first(); pPort; pPort = ports.next()) { DevicePortComboBox->insertItem(pixmap, device.deviceTypeName() + ' ' + device.driverName() + ' ' + pPort->portName()); } bool bEnabled = (ports.count() > 0); DevicePortComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled); DevicePortParamTable->setEnabled(bEnabled); } // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; // Make the device port/channel selection effective. selectDevicePort(DevicePortComboBox->currentItem()); } // Device port/channel selection slot. void qsamplerDeviceForm::selectDevicePort ( int iPort ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; // // Device port/channel selection has changed... // QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); qsamplerDevicePort *pPort = device.ports().at(iPort); if (pPort) { m_iDirtySetup++; DevicePortParamTable->refresh(pPort->params(), false); m_iDirtySetup--; } // Done. stabilizeForm(); } // Device parameter value change slot. void qsamplerDeviceForm::changeDeviceParam ( int iRow, int iCol ) { if (m_pMainForm == NULL) return; if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (iRow < 0 || iCol < 0) return; // // Device parameter change... // QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); // Table 1st column has the parameter name; const QString sParam = DeviceParamTable->text(iRow, 0); const QString sValue = DeviceParamTable->text(iRow, iCol); // Set the local device parameter value. if (device.setParam(sParam, sValue)) { selectDevice(); } else { stabilizeForm(); } // Main session should be dirtier... m_pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } // Device port/channel parameter value change slot. void qsamplerDeviceForm::changeDevicePortParam ( int iRow, int iCol ) { if (m_pMainForm == NULL) return; if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (iRow < 0 || iCol < 0) return; // // Device port/channel parameter change... // QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->rtti() != QSAMPLER_DEVICE_ITEM) return; qsamplerDevice& device = ((qsamplerDeviceItem *) pItem)->device(); int iPort = DevicePortComboBox->currentItem(); qsamplerDevicePort *pPort = device.ports().at(iPort); if (pPort == NULL) return; // Table 1st column has the parameter name; const QString sParam = DevicePortParamTable->text(iRow, 0); const QString sValue = DevicePortParamTable->text(iRow, iCol); // Set the local device port/channel parameter value. pPort->setParam(sParam, sValue); // Done. stabilizeForm(); // Main session should be dirtier... m_pMainForm->sessionDirty(); } // Device list view context menu handler. void qsamplerDeviceForm::contextMenu ( QListViewItem *pItem, const QPoint& pos, int ) { int iItemID; // Build the device context menu... QPopupMenu* pContextMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); bool bClient = (m_pClient != NULL); bool bEnabled = (pItem != NULL); iItemID = pContextMenu->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("deviceCreate.png")), tr("&Create device"), this, SLOT(createDevice())); pContextMenu->setItemEnabled(iItemID, bEnabled || (bClient && m_bNewDevice)); iItemID = pContextMenu->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("deviceDelete.png")), tr("&Delete device"), this, SLOT(deleteDevice())); pContextMenu->setItemEnabled(iItemID, bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); pContextMenu->insertSeparator(); iItemID = pContextMenu->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap::fromMimeSource("formRefresh.png")), tr("&Refresh"), this, SLOT(refreshDevices())); pContextMenu->setItemEnabled(iItemID, bClient); pContextMenu->exec(pos); delete pContextMenu; } // Stabilize current form state. void qsamplerDeviceForm::stabilizeForm (void) { QListViewItem *pItem = DeviceListView->selectedItem(); bool bClient = (m_pClient != NULL); bool bEnabled = (pItem != NULL); DeviceNameTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); DriverNameTextLabel->setEnabled(bEnabled && m_bNewDevice); DriverNameComboBox->setEnabled(bEnabled && m_bNewDevice); DeviceParamTable->setEnabled(bEnabled); RefreshDevicesPushButton->setEnabled(bClient); CreateDevicePushButton->setEnabled(bEnabled || (bClient && m_bNewDevice)); DeleteDevicePushButton->setEnabled(bEnabled && !m_bNewDevice); } // end of qsamplerDeviceForm.ui.h