// qsamplerInstrumentForm.cpp // /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2003-2019, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007, Christian Schoenebeck This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerInstrumentForm.h" #include "qsamplerOptions.h" #include "qsamplerChannel.h" #include "qsamplerMainForm.h" #include #include #include // Needed for lroundf() #include #ifndef CONFIG_ROUND static inline long lroundf ( float x ) { if (x >= 0.0f) return long(x + 0.5f); else return long(x - 0.5f); } #endif namespace QSampler { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QSampler::InstrumentForm -- Instrument map item form implementation. // InstrumentForm::InstrumentForm ( QWidget *pParent ) : QDialog(pParent) { m_ui.setupUi(this); // Initialize locals. m_pInstrument = nullptr; m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_iDirtyName = 0; // Try to restore normal window positioning. adjustSize(); QObject::connect(m_ui.MapComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.BankSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.ProgSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.NameLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(nameChanged(const QString&))); QObject::connect(m_ui.EngineNameComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), SLOT(updateInstrumentName())); QObject::connect(m_ui.InstrumentFileToolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(openInstrumentFile())); QObject::connect(m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(instrumentNrChanged())); QObject::connect(m_ui.VolumeSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.LoadModeComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed())); QObject::connect(m_ui.DialogButtonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(accept())); QObject::connect(m_ui.DialogButtonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reject())); } InstrumentForm::~InstrumentForm (void) { } // Channel dialog setup formal initializer. void InstrumentForm::setup ( Instrument *pInstrument ) { m_pInstrument = pInstrument; m_iDirtySetup = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_iDirtyName = 0; if (m_pInstrument == nullptr) return; // Check if we're up and connected. MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == nullptr) return; if (pMainForm->client() == nullptr) return; Options *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == nullptr) return; // It can be a brand new channel, remember? bool bNew = (m_pInstrument->bank() < 0 || m_pInstrument->prog() < 0); if (!bNew) { m_pInstrument->getInstrument(); m_iDirtyName++; } // Avoid nested changes. m_iDirtySetup++; // Load combo box history... pOptions->loadComboBoxHistory(m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox); // Populate maps list. m_ui.MapComboBox->clear(); m_ui.MapComboBox->insertItems(0, Instrument::getMapNames()); // Populate Engines list. const char **ppszEngines = ::lscp_list_available_engines(pMainForm->client()); if (ppszEngines) { m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->clear(); for (int iEngine = 0; ppszEngines[iEngine]; iEngine++) m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->addItem(ppszEngines[iEngine]); } else pMainForm->appendMessagesClient("lscp_list_available_engines"); // Read proper instrument information, // and populate the instrument form fields. // Instrument map name... int iMap = (bNew ? pOptions->iMidiMap : m_pInstrument->map()); if (iMap < 0) iMap = 0; const QString& sMapName = Instrument::getMapName(iMap); if (!sMapName.isEmpty()) { m_ui.MapComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_ui.MapComboBox->findText(sMapName, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)); } // It might be no maps around... bool bMapEnabled = (m_ui.MapComboBox->count() > 0); m_ui.MapTextLabel->setEnabled(bMapEnabled); m_ui.MapComboBox->setEnabled(bMapEnabled); // Instrument bank/program... int iBank = (bNew ? pOptions->iMidiBank : m_pInstrument->bank()); int iProg = (bNew ? pOptions->iMidiProg : m_pInstrument->prog()) + 1; if (bNew && iProg > 128) { iProg = 1; iBank++; } m_ui.BankSpinBox->setValue(iBank); m_ui.ProgSpinBox->setValue(iProg); // Instrument name... m_ui.NameLineEdit->setText(m_pInstrument->name()); // Engine name... QString sEngineName = m_pInstrument->engineName(); if (sEngineName.isEmpty() || bNew) sEngineName = pOptions->sEngineName; if (sEngineName.isEmpty()) sEngineName = Channel::noEngineName(); if (m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->findText(sEngineName, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive) < 0) { m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->addItem(sEngineName); } m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->setCurrentIndex( m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->findText(sEngineName, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)); // Instrument filename and index... QString sInstrumentFile = m_pInstrument->instrumentFile(); if (sInstrumentFile.isEmpty()) sInstrumentFile = Channel::noInstrumentName(); m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->setEditText(sInstrumentFile); m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->clear(); m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->insertItems(0, Channel::getInstrumentList(sInstrumentFile, pOptions->bInstrumentNames)); m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->setCurrentIndex(m_pInstrument->instrumentNr()); // Instrument volume.... int iVolume = (bNew ? pOptions->iVolume : ::lroundf(100.0f * m_pInstrument->volume())); m_ui.VolumeSpinBox->setValue(iVolume); // Instrument load mode... int iLoadMode = (bNew ? pOptions->iLoadMode : m_pInstrument->loadMode()); m_ui.LoadModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(iLoadMode); // Done. m_iDirtySetup--; stabilizeForm(); } // Special case for name change, void InstrumentForm::nameChanged ( const QString& /* sName */ ) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; m_iDirtyName++; changed(); } // Browse and open an instrument file. void InstrumentForm::openInstrumentFile (void) { MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == nullptr) return; Options *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == nullptr) return; // FIXME: the instrument file filters should be restricted, // depending on the current engine. const QString& sEngineName = m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->currentText().toUpper(); QStringList filters; if (sEngineName.contains("GIG")) filters << tr("GIG Instrument files") + " (*.gig *.dls)"; if (sEngineName.contains("SFZ")) filters << tr("SFZ Instrument files") + " (*.sfz)"; if (sEngineName.contains("SF2")) filters << tr("SF2 Instrument files") + " (*.sf2)"; const QString& filter = filters.join(";;"); QString sInstrumentFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Instrument files"), // Caption. pOptions->sInstrumentDir, // Start here. filter // File filter. ); if (sInstrumentFile.isEmpty()) return; m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->setEditText(sInstrumentFile); updateInstrumentName(); } // Refresh the actual instrument name. void InstrumentForm::updateInstrumentName (void) { MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == nullptr) return; Options *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == nullptr) return; // TODO: this better idea would be to use libgig // to retrieve the REAL instrument names. m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->clear(); m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->insertItems(0, Channel::getInstrumentList( m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText(), pOptions->bInstrumentNames) ); instrumentNrChanged(); } // Special case for instrumnet index change, void InstrumentForm::instrumentNrChanged (void) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; if (m_ui.NameLineEdit->text().isEmpty() || m_iDirtyName == 0) { m_ui.NameLineEdit->setText(m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->currentText()); m_iDirtyName = 0; } changed(); } // Accept settings (OK button slot). void InstrumentForm::accept (void) { if (m_pInstrument == nullptr) return; MainForm* pMainForm = MainForm::getInstance(); if (pMainForm == nullptr) return; if (pMainForm->client() == nullptr) return; Options *pOptions = pMainForm->options(); if (pOptions == nullptr) return; if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { m_pInstrument->setMap(m_ui.MapComboBox->currentIndex()); m_pInstrument->setBank(m_ui.BankSpinBox->value()); m_pInstrument->setProg(m_ui.ProgSpinBox->value() - 1); m_pInstrument->setName(m_ui.NameLineEdit->text()); m_pInstrument->setEngineName(m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->currentText()); m_pInstrument->setInstrumentFile(m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText()); m_pInstrument->setInstrumentNr(m_ui.InstrumentNrComboBox->currentIndex()); m_pInstrument->setVolume(0.01f * float(m_ui.VolumeSpinBox->value())); m_pInstrument->setLoadMode(m_ui.LoadModeComboBox->currentIndex()); } // Save default engine name, instrument directory and history... pOptions->sInstrumentDir = QFileInfo( m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText()).dir().absolutePath(); pOptions->sEngineName = m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->currentText(); pOptions->iMidiMap = m_ui.MapComboBox->currentIndex(); pOptions->iMidiBank = m_ui.BankSpinBox->value(); pOptions->iMidiProg = m_ui.ProgSpinBox->value(); pOptions->iVolume = m_ui.VolumeSpinBox->value(); pOptions->iLoadMode = m_ui.LoadModeComboBox->currentIndex(); pOptions->saveComboBoxHistory(m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox); // Just go with dialog acceptance. QDialog::accept(); } // Reject settings (Cancel button slot). void InstrumentForm::reject (void) { bool bReject = true; // Check if there's any pending changes... if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"), tr("Some channel settings have been changed.\n\n" "Do you want to apply the changes?"), QMessageBox::Apply | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel)) { case QMessageBox::Apply: accept(); return; case QMessageBox::Discard: break; default: // Cancel. bReject = false; break; } } if (bReject) QDialog::reject(); } // Dirty up settings. void InstrumentForm::changed (void) { if (m_iDirtySetup > 0) return; m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Stabilize current form state. void InstrumentForm::stabilizeForm (void) { bool bValid = !m_ui.NameLineEdit->text().isEmpty() && m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->currentIndex() >= 0 && m_ui.EngineNameComboBox->currentText() != Channel::noEngineName(); const QString& sPath = m_ui.InstrumentFileComboBox->currentText(); bValid = bValid && !sPath.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(sPath).exists(); m_ui.DialogButtonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(m_iDirtyCount > 0 && bValid); } } // namespace QSampler // end of qsamplerInstrumentForm.cpp