// qsamplerMainForm.ui.h // // ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. /**************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2004-2007, rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qsamplerAbout.h" #include "qsamplerOptions.h" #include "qsamplerChannel.h" #include "qsamplerMessages.h" #include "qsamplerChannelStrip.h" #include "qsamplerInstrumentList.h" #include "qsamplerInstrumentListForm.h" #include "qsamplerDeviceForm.h" #include "qsamplerOptionsForm.h" #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H #include #endif #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG #include #endif // Needed for lroundf() #include #ifndef CONFIG_ROUND static inline long lroundf ( float x ) { if (x >= 0.0f) return long(x + 0.5f); else return long(x - 0.5f); } #endif // Timer constant stuff. #define QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS 200 // Status bar item indexes #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT 0 // Client connection state. #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER 1 // Currenr server address (host:port) #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL 2 // Active channel caption. #define QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION 3 // Current session modification state. // All winsock apps needs this. #if defined(WIN32) static WSADATA _wsaData; #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerCustomEvent -- specialty for callback comunication. #define QSAMPLER_CUSTOM_EVENT 1000 class qsamplerCustomEvent : public QCustomEvent { public: // Constructor. qsamplerCustomEvent(lscp_event_t event, const char *pchData, int cchData) : QCustomEvent(QSAMPLER_CUSTOM_EVENT) { m_event = event; m_data.setLatin1(pchData, cchData); } // Accessors. lscp_event_t event() { return m_event; } QString& data() { return m_data; } private: // The proper event type. lscp_event_t m_event; // The event data as a string. QString m_data; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Main window form implementation. // Kind of singleton reference. qsamplerMainForm *qsamplerMainForm::g_pMainForm = NULL; // Kind of constructor. void qsamplerMainForm::init (void) { // Pseudo-singleton reference setup. g_pMainForm = this; // Initialize some pointer references. m_pOptions = NULL; // All child forms are to be created later, not earlier than setup. m_pMessages = NULL; m_pInstrumentListForm = NULL; m_pDeviceForm = NULL; // We'll start clean. m_iUntitled = 0; m_iDirtyCount = 0; m_pServer = NULL; m_pClient = NULL; m_iStartDelay = 0; m_iTimerDelay = 0; m_iTimerSlot = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H // Set to ignore any fatal "Broken pipe" signals. ::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME // Make some extras into the toolbar... const QString& sVolumeText = tr("Master volume"); m_iVolumeChanging = 0; // Volume slider... channelsToolbar->addSeparator(); m_pVolumeSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, channelsToolbar); m_pVolumeSlider->setTickmarks(QSlider::Below); m_pVolumeSlider->setTickInterval(10); m_pVolumeSlider->setPageStep(10); m_pVolumeSlider->setRange(0, 100); m_pVolumeSlider->setMaximumHeight(22); m_pVolumeSlider->setMinimumWidth(160); QToolTip::add(m_pVolumeSlider, sVolumeText); QObject::connect(m_pVolumeSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(int))); channelsToolbar->setHorizontallyStretchable(true); channelsToolbar->setStretchableWidget(m_pVolumeSlider); // Volume spin-box channelsToolbar->addSeparator(); m_pVolumeSpinBox = new QSpinBox(channelsToolbar); m_pVolumeSpinBox->setSuffix(" %"); m_pVolumeSpinBox->setRange(0, 100); QToolTip::add(m_pVolumeSpinBox, sVolumeText); QObject::connect(m_pVolumeSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(int))); #endif // Make it an MDI workspace. m_pWorkspace = new QWorkspace(this); m_pWorkspace->setScrollBarsEnabled(true); // Set the activation connection. QObject::connect(m_pWorkspace, SIGNAL(windowActivated(QWidget *)), SLOT(stabilizeForm())); // Make it shine :-) setCentralWidget(m_pWorkspace); // Create some statusbar labels... QLabel *pLabel; // Client status. pLabel = new QLabel(tr("Connected"), this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); pLabel->setMinimumSize(pLabel->sizeHint()); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel); // Server address. pLabel = new QLabel(this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel, 1); // Channel title. pLabel = new QLabel(this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel, 2); // Session modification status. pLabel = new QLabel(tr("MOD"), this); pLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); pLabel->setMinimumSize(pLabel->sizeHint()); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION] = pLabel; statusBar()->addWidget(pLabel); // Create the recent files sub-menu. m_pRecentFilesMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); fileMenu->insertSeparator(4); fileMenu->insertItem(tr("Recent &Files"), m_pRecentFilesMenu, 0, 5); #if defined(WIN32) WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &_wsaData); #endif } // Kind of destructor. void qsamplerMainForm::destroy (void) { // Do final processing anyway. processServerExit(); #if defined(WIN32) WSACleanup(); #endif // Finally drop any widgets around... if (m_pDeviceForm) delete m_pDeviceForm; if (m_pInstrumentListForm) delete m_pInstrumentListForm; if (m_pMessages) delete m_pMessages; if (m_pWorkspace) delete m_pWorkspace; // Delete status item labels one by one. if (m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]) delete m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]; if (m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]) delete m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]; if (m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]) delete m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]; if (m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]) delete m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]; #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME delete m_pVolumeSpinBox; delete m_pVolumeSlider; #endif // Delete recentfiles menu. if (m_pRecentFilesMenu) delete m_pRecentFilesMenu; // Pseudo-singleton reference shut-down. g_pMainForm = NULL; } // Make and set a proper setup options step. void qsamplerMainForm::setup ( qsamplerOptions *pOptions ) { // We got options? m_pOptions = pOptions; // What style do we create these forms? Qt::WFlags wflags = Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_NormalBorder | Qt::WStyle_Title | Qt::WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WStyle_MinMax | Qt::WType_TopLevel; if (m_pOptions->bKeepOnTop) wflags |= Qt::WStyle_Tool; // Some child forms are to be created right now. m_pMessages = new qsamplerMessages(this); m_pDeviceForm = new qsamplerDeviceForm(this, 0, wflags); #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT m_pInstrumentListForm = new qsamplerInstrumentListForm(this, 0, wflags); QObject::connect(m_pInstrumentListForm->InstrumentList, SIGNAL(instrumentsChanged()), SLOT(sessionDirty())); #else viewInstrumentsAction->setEnabled(false); #endif // Set message defaults... updateMessagesFont(); updateMessagesLimit(); updateMessagesCapture(); // Set the visibility signal. QObject::connect(m_pMessages, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), SLOT(stabilizeForm())); // Initial decorations toggle state. viewMenubarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bMenubar); viewToolbarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bToolbar); viewStatusbarAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bStatusbar); channelsAutoArrangeAction->setOn(m_pOptions->bAutoArrange); // Initial decorations visibility state. viewMenubar(m_pOptions->bMenubar); viewToolbar(m_pOptions->bToolbar); viewStatusbar(m_pOptions->bStatusbar); // Restore whole dock windows state. QString sDockables = m_pOptions->settings().readEntry("/Layout/DockWindows" , QString::null); if (sDockables.isEmpty()) { // Message window is forced to dock on the bottom. moveDockWindow(m_pMessages, Qt::DockBottom); } else { // Make it as the last time. QTextIStream istr(&sDockables); istr >> *this; } // Try to restore old window positioning and initial visibility. m_pOptions->loadWidgetGeometry(this); m_pOptions->loadWidgetGeometry(m_pInstrumentListForm); m_pOptions->loadWidgetGeometry(m_pDeviceForm); // Final startup stabilization... updateMaxVolume(); updateRecentFilesMenu(); stabilizeForm(); // Make it ready :-) statusBar()->message(tr("Ready"), 3000); // We'll try to start immediately... startSchedule(0); // Register the first timer slot. QTimer::singleShot(QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS, this, SLOT(timerSlot())); } // Window close event handlers. bool qsamplerMainForm::queryClose (void) { bool bQueryClose = closeSession(false); // Try to save current general state... if (m_pOptions) { // Some windows default fonts is here on demand too. if (bQueryClose && m_pMessages) m_pOptions->sMessagesFont = m_pMessages->messagesFont().toString(); // Try to save current positioning. if (bQueryClose) { // Save decorations state. m_pOptions->bMenubar = MenuBar->isVisible(); m_pOptions->bToolbar = (fileToolbar->isVisible() || editToolbar->isVisible() || channelsToolbar->isVisible()); m_pOptions->bStatusbar = statusBar()->isVisible(); // Save the dock windows state. QString sDockables; QTextOStream ostr(&sDockables); ostr << *this; m_pOptions->settings().writeEntry("/Layout/DockWindows", sDockables); // And the children, and the main windows state,. m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(m_pDeviceForm); m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(m_pInstrumentListForm); m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(this); // Close popup widgets. if (m_pInstrumentListForm) m_pInstrumentListForm->close(); if (m_pDeviceForm) m_pDeviceForm->close(); // Stop client and/or server, gracefully. stopServer(); } } return bQueryClose; } void qsamplerMainForm::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *pCloseEvent ) { if (queryClose()) pCloseEvent->accept(); else pCloseEvent->ignore(); } // Drag'n'drop file handler. bool qsamplerMainForm::decodeDragFiles ( const QMimeSource *pEvent, QStringList& files ) { bool bDecode = false; if (QTextDrag::canDecode(pEvent)) { QString sText; bDecode = QTextDrag::decode(pEvent, sText); if (bDecode) { files = QStringList::split('\n', sText); for (QStringList::Iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); iter++) *iter = QUrl((*iter).stripWhiteSpace().replace(QRegExp("^file:"), QString::null)).path(); } } return bDecode; } // Window drag-n-drop event handlers. void qsamplerMainForm::dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent* pDragEnterEvent ) { QStringList files; pDragEnterEvent->accept(decodeDragFiles(pDragEnterEvent, files)); } void qsamplerMainForm::dropEvent ( QDropEvent* pDropEvent ) { QStringList files; if (!decodeDragFiles(pDropEvent, files)) return; for (QStringList::Iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); iter++) { const QString& sPath = *iter; if (qsamplerChannel::isInstrumentFile(sPath)) { // Try to create a new channel from instrument file... qsamplerChannel *pChannel = new qsamplerChannel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Start setting the instrument filename... pChannel->setInstrument(sPath, 0); // Before we show it up, may be we'll // better ask for some initial values? if (!pChannel->channelSetup(this)) { delete pChannel; return; } // Finally, give it to a new channel strip... if (!createChannelStrip(pChannel)) { delete pChannel; return; } // Make that an overall update. m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Otherwise, load an usual session file (LSCP script)... else if (closeSession(true)) { loadSessionFile(sPath); break; } // Make it look responsive...:) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } } // Custome event handler. void qsamplerMainForm::customEvent ( QCustomEvent *pCustomEvent ) { // For the time being, just pump it to messages. if (pCustomEvent->type() == QSAMPLER_CUSTOM_EVENT) { qsamplerCustomEvent *pEvent = (qsamplerCustomEvent *) pCustomEvent; if (pEvent->event() == LSCP_EVENT_CHANNEL_INFO) { int iChannelID = pEvent->data().toInt(); qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = channelStrip(iChannelID); if (pChannelStrip) channelStripChanged(pChannelStrip); } else { appendMessagesColor(tr("Notify event: %1 data: %2") .arg(::lscp_event_to_text(pEvent->event())) .arg(pEvent->data()), "#996699"); } } } // Context menu event handler. void qsamplerMainForm::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent *pEvent ) { stabilizeForm(); editMenu->exec(pEvent->globalPos()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Brainless public property accessors. // The global options settings property. qsamplerOptions *qsamplerMainForm::options (void) { return m_pOptions; } // The LSCP client descriptor property. lscp_client_t *qsamplerMainForm::client (void) { return m_pClient; } // The pseudo-singleton instance accessor. qsamplerMainForm *qsamplerMainForm::getInstance (void) { return g_pMainForm; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Session file stuff. // Format the displayable session filename. QString qsamplerMainForm::sessionName ( const QString& sFilename ) { bool bCompletePath = (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bCompletePath); QString sSessionName = sFilename; if (sSessionName.isEmpty()) sSessionName = tr("Untitled") + QString::number(m_iUntitled); else if (!bCompletePath) sSessionName = QFileInfo(sSessionName).fileName(); return sSessionName; } // Create a new session file from scratch. bool qsamplerMainForm::newSession (void) { // Check if we can do it. if (!closeSession(true)) return false; // Give us what the server has, right now... updateSession(); // Ok increment untitled count. m_iUntitled++; // Stabilize form. m_sFilename = QString::null; m_iDirtyCount = 0; appendMessages(tr("New session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); stabilizeForm(); return true; } // Open an existing sampler session. bool qsamplerMainForm::openSession (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; // Ask for the filename to open... QString sFilename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( m_pOptions->sSessionDir, // Start here. tr("LSCP Session files") + " (*.lscp)", // Filter (LSCP files) this, 0, // Parent and name (none) QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Open Session") // Caption. ); // Have we cancelled? if (sFilename.isEmpty()) return false; // Check if we're going to discard safely the current one... if (!closeSession(true)) return false; // Load it right away. return loadSessionFile(sFilename); } // Save current sampler session with another name. bool qsamplerMainForm::saveSession ( bool bPrompt ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; QString sFilename = m_sFilename; // Ask for the file to save, if there's none... if (bPrompt || sFilename.isEmpty()) { // If none is given, assume default directory. if (sFilename.isEmpty()) sFilename = m_pOptions->sSessionDir; // Prompt the guy... sFilename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( sFilename, // Start here. tr("LSCP Session files") + " (*.lscp)", // Filter (LSCP files) this, 0, // Parent and name (none) QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Save Session") // Caption. ); // Have we cancelled it? if (sFilename.isEmpty()) return false; // Enforce .lscp extension... if (QFileInfo(sFilename).extension().isEmpty()) sFilename += ".lscp"; // Check if already exists... if (sFilename != m_sFilename && QFileInfo(sFilename).exists()) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("The file already exists:\n\n" "\"%1\"\n\n" "Do you want to replace it?") .arg(sFilename), tr("Replace"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return false; } } // Save it right away. return saveSessionFile(sFilename); } // Close current session. bool qsamplerMainForm::closeSession ( bool bForce ) { bool bClose = true; // Are we dirty enough to prompt it? if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("The current session has been changed:\n\n" "\"%1\"\n\n" "Do you want to save the changes?") .arg(sessionName(m_sFilename)), tr("Save"), tr("Discard"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: // Save... bClose = saveSession(false); // Fall thru.... case 1: // Discard break; default: // Cancel. bClose = false; break; } } // If we may close it, dot it. if (bClose) { // Remove all channel strips from sight... m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) { qsamplerChannel *pChannel = pChannelStrip->channel(); if (bForce && pChannel) pChannel->removeChannel(); delete pChannelStrip; } } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // We're now clean, for sure. m_iDirtyCount = 0; } return bClose; } // Load a session from specific file path. bool qsamplerMainForm::loadSessionFile ( const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return false; // Open and read from real file. QFile file(sFilename); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not open \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); return false; } // Tell the world we'll take some time... QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); // Read the file. int iLine = 0; int iErrors = 0; QTextStream ts(&file); while (!ts.atEnd()) { // Read the line. QString sCommand = ts.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); iLine++; // If not empty, nor a comment, call the server... if (!sCommand.isEmpty() && sCommand[0] != '#') { // Remember that, no matter what, // all LSCP commands are CR/LF terminated. sCommand += "\r\n"; if (::lscp_client_query(m_pClient, sCommand.latin1()) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesColor(QString("%1(%2): %3") .arg(QFileInfo(sFilename).fileName()).arg(iLine) .arg(sCommand.simplifyWhiteSpace()), "#996633"); appendMessagesClient("lscp_client_query"); iErrors++; } } // Try to make it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } // Ok. we've read it. file.close(); // Now we'll try to create (update) the whole GUI session. updateSession(); // We're fornerly done. QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // Have we any errors? if (iErrors > 0) appendMessagesError(tr("Session loaded with errors\nfrom \"%1\".\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); // Save as default session directory. if (m_pOptions) m_pOptions->sSessionDir = QFileInfo(sFilename).dirPath(true); // We're not dirty anymore, if loaded without errors, m_iDirtyCount = iErrors; // Stabilize form... m_sFilename = sFilename; updateRecentFiles(sFilename); appendMessages(tr("Open session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); // Make that an overall update. stabilizeForm(); return true; } // Save current session to specific file path. bool qsamplerMainForm::saveSessionFile ( const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return false; // Check whether server is apparently OK... if (::lscp_get_channels(m_pClient) < 0) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_channels"); return false; } // Open and write into real file. QFile file(sFilename); if (!file.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate)) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not open \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); return false; } // Tell the world we'll take some time... QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); // Write the file. int iErrors = 0; QTextStream ts(&file); ts << "# " << QSAMPLER_TITLE " - " << tr(QSAMPLER_SUBTITLE) << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Version") << ": " QSAMPLER_VERSION << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Build") << ": " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ << endl; ts << "#" << endl; ts << "# " << tr("File") << ": " << QFileInfo(sFilename).fileName() << endl; ts << "# " << tr("Date") << ": " << QDate::currentDate().toString("MMM dd yyyy") << " " << QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") << endl; ts << "#" << endl; ts << endl; // It is assumed that this new kind of device+session file // will be loaded from a complete initialized server... int *piDeviceIDs; int iDevice; ts << "RESET" << endl; // Audio device mapping. QMap audioDeviceMap; piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(m_pClient, qsamplerDevice::Audio); for (iDevice = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[iDevice] >= 0; iDevice++) { ts << endl; qsamplerDevice device(qsamplerDevice::Audio, piDeviceIDs[iDevice]); // Audio device specification... ts << "# " << device.deviceTypeName() << " " << device.driverName() << " " << tr("Device") << " " << iDevice << endl; ts << "CREATE AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE " << device.driverName(); qsamplerDeviceParamMap::ConstIterator deviceParam; for (deviceParam = device.params().begin(); deviceParam != device.params().end(); ++deviceParam) { const qsamplerDeviceParam& param = deviceParam.data(); if (param.value.isEmpty()) ts << "# "; ts << " " << deviceParam.key() << "='" << param.value << "'"; } ts << endl; // Audio channel parameters... int iPort = 0; for (qsamplerDevicePort *pPort = device.ports().first(); pPort; pPort = device.ports().next(), ++iPort) { qsamplerDeviceParamMap::ConstIterator portParam; for (portParam = pPort->params().begin(); portParam != pPort->params().end(); ++portParam) { const qsamplerDeviceParam& param = portParam.data(); if (param.fix || param.value.isEmpty()) ts << "# "; ts << "SET AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL_PARAMETER " << iDevice << " " << iPort << " " << portParam.key() << "='" << param.value << "'" << endl; } } // Audio device index/id mapping. audioDeviceMap[device.deviceID()] = iDevice; // Try to keep it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } // MIDI device mapping. QMap midiDeviceMap; piDeviceIDs = qsamplerDevice::getDevices(m_pClient, qsamplerDevice::Midi); for (iDevice = 0; piDeviceIDs && piDeviceIDs[iDevice] >= 0; iDevice++) { ts << endl; qsamplerDevice device(qsamplerDevice::Midi, piDeviceIDs[iDevice]); // MIDI device specification... ts << "# " << device.deviceTypeName() << " " << device.driverName() << " " << tr("Device") << " " << iDevice << endl; ts << "CREATE MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE " << device.driverName(); qsamplerDeviceParamMap::ConstIterator deviceParam; for (deviceParam = device.params().begin(); deviceParam != device.params().end(); ++deviceParam) { const qsamplerDeviceParam& param = deviceParam.data(); if (param.value.isEmpty()) ts << "# "; ts << " " << deviceParam.key() << "='" << param.value << "'"; } ts << endl; // MIDI port parameters... int iPort = 0; for (qsamplerDevicePort *pPort = device.ports().first(); pPort; pPort = device.ports().next(), ++iPort) { qsamplerDeviceParamMap::ConstIterator portParam; for (portParam = pPort->params().begin(); portParam != pPort->params().end(); ++portParam) { const qsamplerDeviceParam& param = portParam.data(); if (param.fix || param.value.isEmpty()) ts << "# "; ts << "SET MIDI_INPUT_PORT_PARAMETER " << iDevice << " " << iPort << " " << portParam.key() << "='" << param.value << "'" << endl; } } // MIDI device index/id mapping. midiDeviceMap[device.deviceID()] = iDevice; // Try to keep it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } ts << endl; #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT // MIDI instrument mapping... QMap midiInstrumentMap; int *piMaps = ::lscp_list_midi_instrument_maps(m_pClient); for (int iMap = 0; piMaps && piMaps[iMap] >= 0; iMap++) { int iMidiMap = piMaps[iMap]; const char *pszMapName = ::lscp_get_midi_instrument_map_name(m_pClient, iMidiMap); ts << "# " << tr("MIDI instrument map") << " " << iMap; if (pszMapName) ts << " - " << pszMapName; ts << endl; ts << "ADD MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP"; if (pszMapName) ts << " '" << pszMapName << "'"; ts << endl; // MIDI instrument mapping... lscp_midi_instrument_t *pInstrs = ::lscp_list_midi_instruments(m_pClient, iMidiMap); for (int iInstr = 0; pInstrs && pInstrs[iInstr].map >= 0; iInstr++) { lscp_midi_instrument_info_t *pInstrInfo = ::lscp_get_midi_instrument_info(m_pClient, &pInstrs[iInstr]); if (pInstrInfo) { ts << "MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT " << iMap << " " << pInstrs[iInstr].bank << " " << pInstrs[iInstr].prog << " " << pInstrInfo->engine_name << " '" << pInstrInfo->instrument_file << "' " << pInstrInfo->instrument_nr << " " << pInstrInfo->volume << " "; switch (pInstrInfo->load_mode) { case LSCP_LOAD_PERSISTENT: ts << "PERSISTENT"; break; case LSCP_LOAD_ON_DEMAND_HOLD: ts << "ON_DEMAND_HOLD"; break; case LSCP_LOAD_ON_DEMAND: case LSCP_LOAD_DEFAULT: default: ts << "ON_DEMAND"; break; } if (pInstrInfo->name) ts << " '" << pInstrInfo->name << "'"; ts << endl; } // Check for errors... else if (::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_midi_instrument_info"); iErrors++; } // Try to keep it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } ts << endl; // Check for errors... if (pInstrs == NULL && ::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_list_midi_instruments"); iErrors++; } // MIDI strument index/id mapping. midiInstrumentMap[iMidiMap] = iMap; } // Check for errors... if (piMaps == NULL && ::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_list_midi_instrument_maps"); iErrors++; } #endif // CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT // Sampler channel mapping. QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = static_cast (wlist.at(iChannel)); if (pChannelStrip) { qsamplerChannel *pChannel = pChannelStrip->channel(); if (pChannel) { ts << "# " << tr("Channel") << " " << iChannel << endl; ts << "ADD CHANNEL" << endl; if (audioDeviceMap.isEmpty()) { ts << "SET CHANNEL AUDIO_OUTPUT_TYPE " << iChannel << " " << pChannel->audioDriver() << endl; } else { ts << "SET CHANNEL AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE " << iChannel << " " << audioDeviceMap[pChannel->audioDevice()] << endl; } if (midiDeviceMap.isEmpty()) { ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_TYPE " << iChannel << " " << pChannel->midiDriver() << endl; } else { ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_DEVICE " << iChannel << " " << midiDeviceMap[pChannel->midiDevice()] << endl; } ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_PORT " << iChannel << " " << pChannel->midiPort() << endl; ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INPUT_CHANNEL " << iChannel << " "; if (pChannel->midiChannel() == LSCP_MIDI_CHANNEL_ALL) ts << "ALL"; else ts << pChannel->midiChannel(); ts << endl; ts << "LOAD ENGINE " << pChannel->engineName() << " " << iChannel << endl; if (pChannel->instrumentStatus() < 100) ts << "# "; ts << "LOAD INSTRUMENT NON_MODAL '" << pChannel->instrumentFile() << "' " << pChannel->instrumentNr() << " " << iChannel << endl; qsamplerChannelRoutingMap::ConstIterator audioRoute; for (audioRoute = pChannel->audioRouting().begin(); audioRoute != pChannel->audioRouting().end(); ++audioRoute) { ts << "SET CHANNEL AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL " << iChannel << " " << audioRoute.key() << " " << audioRoute.data() << endl; } ts << "SET CHANNEL VOLUME " << iChannel << " " << pChannel->volume() << endl; if (pChannel->channelMute()) ts << "SET CHANNEL MUTE " << iChannel << " 1" << endl; if (pChannel->channelSolo()) ts << "SET CHANNEL SOLO " << iChannel << " 1" << endl; #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT if (pChannel->midiMap() >= 0) { ts << "SET CHANNEL MIDI_INSTRUMENT_MAP " << iChannel << " " << midiInstrumentMap[pChannel->midiMap()] << endl; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_FXSEND int iChannelID = pChannel->channelID(); int *piFxSends = ::lscp_list_fxsends(m_pClient, iChannelID); for (int iFxSend = 0; piFxSends && piFxSends[iFxSend] >= 0; iFxSend++) { lscp_fxsend_info_t *pFxSendInfo = ::lscp_get_fxsend_info( m_pClient, iChannelID, piFxSends[iFxSend]); if (pFxSendInfo) { ts << "CREATE FX_SEND " << iChannel << " " << pFxSendInfo->midi_controller; if (pFxSendInfo->name) ts << " '" << pFxSendInfo->name << "'"; ts << endl; int *piRouting = pFxSendInfo->audio_routing; for (int iAudioSrc = 0; piRouting && piRouting[iAudioSrc] >= 0; iAudioSrc++) { ts << "SET FX_SEND AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANNEL " << iChannel << " " << iFxSend << " " << iAudioSrc << " " << piRouting[iAudioSrc] << endl; } #ifdef CONFIG_FXSEND_LEVEL ts << "SET FX_SEND LEVEL " << iChannel << " " << iFxSend << " " << pFxSendInfo->level << endl; #endif } // Check for errors... else if (::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_fxsend_info"); iErrors++; } } #endif ts << endl; } } // Try to keep it snappy :) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME ts << "# " << tr("Global volume level") << endl; ts << "SET VOLUME " << ::lscp_get_volume(m_pClient) << endl; ts << endl; #endif // Ok. we've wrote it. file.close(); // We're fornerly done. QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // Have we any errors? if (iErrors > 0) appendMessagesError(tr("Some settings could not be saved\nto \"%1\" session file.\n\nSorry.").arg(sFilename)); // Save as default session directory. if (m_pOptions) m_pOptions->sSessionDir = QFileInfo(sFilename).dirPath(true); // We're not dirty anymore. m_iDirtyCount = 0; // Stabilize form... m_sFilename = sFilename; updateRecentFiles(sFilename); appendMessages(tr("Save session: \"%1\".").arg(sessionName(m_sFilename))); stabilizeForm(); return true; } // Session change receiver slot. void qsamplerMainForm::sessionDirty (void) { // Just mark the dirty form. m_iDirtyCount++; // and update the form status... stabilizeForm(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- File Action slots. // Create a new sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileNew (void) { // Of course we'll start clean new. newSession(); } // Open an existing sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileOpen (void) { // Open it right away. openSession(); } // Open a recent file session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileOpenRecent ( int iIndex ) { // Check if we can safely close the current session... if (m_pOptions && closeSession(true)) { QString sFilename = m_pOptions->recentFiles[iIndex]; loadSessionFile(sFilename); } } // Save current sampler session. void qsamplerMainForm::fileSave (void) { // Save it right away. saveSession(false); } // Save current sampler session with another name. void qsamplerMainForm::fileSaveAs (void) { // Save it right away, maybe with another name. saveSession(true); } // Reset the sampler instance. void qsamplerMainForm::fileReset (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Ask user whether he/she want's an internal sampler reset... if (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("Resetting the sampler instance will close\n" "all device and channel configurations.\n\n" "Please note that this operation may cause\n" "temporary MIDI and Audio disruption.\n\n" "Do you want to reset the sampler engine now?"), tr("Reset"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return; // Trye closing the current session, first... if (!closeSession(true)) return; // Just do the reset, after closing down current session... // Do the actual sampler reset... if (::lscp_reset_sampler(m_pClient) != LSCP_OK) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_reset_sampler"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not reset sampler instance.\n\nSorry.")); return; } // Log this. appendMessages(tr("Sampler reset.")); // Make it a new session... newSession(); } // Restart the client/server instance. void qsamplerMainForm::fileRestart (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; bool bRestart = true; // Ask user whether he/she want's a complete restart... // (if we're currently up and running) if (bRestart && m_pClient) { bRestart = (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("New settings will be effective after\n" "restarting the client/server connection.\n\n" "Please note that this operation may cause\n" "temporary MIDI and Audio disruption.\n\n" "Do you want to restart the connection now?"), tr("Restart"), tr("Cancel")) == 0); } // Are we still for it? if (bRestart && closeSession(true)) { // Stop server, it will force the client too. stopServer(); // Reschedule a restart... startSchedule(m_pOptions->iStartDelay); } } // Exit application program. void qsamplerMainForm::fileExit (void) { // Go for close the whole thing. close(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Edit Action slots. // Add a new sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editAddChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Just create the channel instance... qsamplerChannel *pChannel = new qsamplerChannel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Before we show it up, may be we'll // better ask for some initial values? if (!pChannel->channelSetup(this)) { delete pChannel; return; } // And give it to the strip (will own the channel instance, if successful). if (!createChannelStrip(pChannel)) { delete pChannel; return; } // Make that an overall update. m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Remove current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editRemoveChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = activeChannelStrip(); if (pChannelStrip == NULL) return; qsamplerChannel *pChannel = pChannelStrip->channel(); if (pChannel == NULL) return; // Prompt user if he/she's sure about this... if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bConfirmRemove) { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("About to remove channel:\n\n" "%1\n\n" "Are you sure?") .arg(pChannelStrip->caption()), tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")) > 0) return; } // Remove the existing sampler channel. if (!pChannel->removeChannel()) return; // Just delete the channel strip. delete pChannelStrip; // Do we auto-arrange? if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) channelsArrange(); // We'll be dirty, for sure... m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); } // Setup current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editSetupChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = activeChannelStrip(); if (pChannelStrip == NULL) return; // Just invoque the channel strip procedure. pChannelStrip->channelSetup(); } // Reset current sampler channel. void qsamplerMainForm::editResetChannel (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = activeChannelStrip(); if (pChannelStrip == NULL) return; // Just invoque the channel strip procedure. pChannelStrip->channelReset(); } // Reset all sampler channels. void qsamplerMainForm::editResetAllChannels (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Invoque the channel strip procedure, // for all channels out there... m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->channelReset(); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- View Action slots. // Show/hide the main program window menubar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewMenubar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) MenuBar->show(); else MenuBar->hide(); } // Show/hide the main program window toolbar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewToolbar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) { fileToolbar->show(); editToolbar->show(); channelsToolbar->show(); } else { fileToolbar->hide(); editToolbar->hide(); channelsToolbar->hide(); } } // Show/hide the main program window statusbar. void qsamplerMainForm::viewStatusbar ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) statusBar()->show(); else statusBar()->hide(); } // Show/hide the messages window logger. void qsamplerMainForm::viewMessages ( bool bOn ) { if (bOn) m_pMessages->show(); else m_pMessages->hide(); } // Show/hide the MIDI instrument list-view form. void qsamplerMainForm::viewInstruments (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pInstrumentListForm) { m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(m_pInstrumentListForm); if (m_pInstrumentListForm->isVisible()) { m_pInstrumentListForm->hide(); } else { m_pInstrumentListForm->show(); m_pInstrumentListForm->raise(); m_pInstrumentListForm->setActiveWindow(); } } } // Show/hide the device configurator form. void qsamplerMainForm::viewDevices (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pDeviceForm) { m_pOptions->saveWidgetGeometry(m_pDeviceForm); if (m_pDeviceForm->isVisible()) { m_pDeviceForm->hide(); } else { m_pDeviceForm->show(); m_pDeviceForm->raise(); m_pDeviceForm->setActiveWindow(); } } } // Show options dialog. void qsamplerMainForm::viewOptions (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; qsamplerOptionsForm *pOptionsForm = new qsamplerOptionsForm(this); if (pOptionsForm) { // Check out some initial nullities(tm)... qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = activeChannelStrip(); if (m_pOptions->sDisplayFont.isEmpty() && pChannelStrip) m_pOptions->sDisplayFont = pChannelStrip->displayFont().toString(); if (m_pOptions->sMessagesFont.isEmpty() && m_pMessages) m_pOptions->sMessagesFont = m_pMessages->messagesFont().toString(); // To track down deferred or immediate changes. QString sOldServerHost = m_pOptions->sServerHost; int iOldServerPort = m_pOptions->iServerPort; int iOldServerTimeout = m_pOptions->iServerTimeout; bool bOldServerStart = m_pOptions->bServerStart; QString sOldServerCmdLine = m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine; QString sOldDisplayFont = m_pOptions->sDisplayFont; bool bOldDisplayEffect = m_pOptions->bDisplayEffect; int iOldMaxVolume = m_pOptions->iMaxVolume; QString sOldMessagesFont = m_pOptions->sMessagesFont; bool bOldKeepOnTop = m_pOptions->bKeepOnTop; bool bOldStdoutCapture = m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture; int bOldMessagesLimit = m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit; int iOldMessagesLimitLines = m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines; bool bOldCompletePath = m_pOptions->bCompletePath; bool bOldInstrumentNames = m_pOptions->bInstrumentNames; int iOldMaxRecentFiles = m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles; // Load the current setup settings. pOptionsForm->setup(m_pOptions); // Show the setup dialog... if (pOptionsForm->exec()) { // Warn if something will be only effective on next run. if (( bOldStdoutCapture && !m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture) || (!bOldStdoutCapture && m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture) || ( bOldKeepOnTop && !m_pOptions->bKeepOnTop) || (!bOldKeepOnTop && m_pOptions->bKeepOnTop)) { QMessageBox::information(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Information"), tr("Some settings may be only effective\n" "next time you start this program."), tr("OK")); updateMessagesCapture(); } // Check wheather something immediate has changed. if (( bOldCompletePath && !m_pOptions->bCompletePath) || (!bOldCompletePath && m_pOptions->bCompletePath) || (iOldMaxRecentFiles != m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles)) updateRecentFilesMenu(); if (( bOldInstrumentNames && !m_pOptions->bInstrumentNames) || (!bOldInstrumentNames && m_pOptions->bInstrumentNames)) updateInstrumentNames(); if (( bOldDisplayEffect && !m_pOptions->bDisplayEffect) || (!bOldDisplayEffect && m_pOptions->bDisplayEffect)) updateDisplayEffect(); if (sOldDisplayFont != m_pOptions->sDisplayFont) updateDisplayFont(); if (iOldMaxVolume != m_pOptions->iMaxVolume) updateMaxVolume(); if (sOldMessagesFont != m_pOptions->sMessagesFont) updateMessagesFont(); if (( bOldMessagesLimit && !m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) || (!bOldMessagesLimit && m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) || (iOldMessagesLimitLines != m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines)) updateMessagesLimit(); // And now the main thing, whether we'll do client/server recycling? if ((sOldServerHost != m_pOptions->sServerHost) || (iOldServerPort != m_pOptions->iServerPort) || (iOldServerTimeout != m_pOptions->iServerTimeout) || ( bOldServerStart && !m_pOptions->bServerStart) || (!bOldServerStart && m_pOptions->bServerStart) || (sOldServerCmdLine != m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine && m_pOptions->bServerStart)) fileRestart(); } // Done. delete pOptionsForm; } // This makes it. stabilizeForm(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Channels action slots. // Arrange channel strips. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsArrange (void) { // Full width vertical tiling QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); int y = 0; for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); /* if (pChannelStrip->testWState(WState_Maximized | WState_Minimized)) { // Prevent flicker... pChannelStrip->hide(); pChannelStrip->showNormal(); } */ pChannelStrip->adjustSize(); int iWidth = m_pWorkspace->width(); if (iWidth < pChannelStrip->width()) iWidth = pChannelStrip->width(); // int iHeight = pChannelStrip->height() + pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); int iHeight = pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->setGeometry(0, y, iWidth, iHeight); y += iHeight; } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); stabilizeForm(); } // Auto-arrange channel strips. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsAutoArrange ( bool bOn ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Toggle the auto-arrange flag. m_pOptions->bAutoArrange = bOn; // If on, update whole workspace... if (m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) channelsArrange(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Help Action slots. // Show information about the Qt toolkit. void qsamplerMainForm::helpAboutQt (void) { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this); } // Show information about application program. void qsamplerMainForm::helpAbout (void) { // Stuff the about box text... QString sText = "

\n"; sText += "" QSAMPLER_TITLE " - " + tr(QSAMPLER_SUBTITLE) + "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Version") + ": " QSAMPLER_VERSION "
\n"; sText += "" + tr("Build") + ": " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "
\n"; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG sText += ""; sText += tr("Debugging option enabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_LIBGIG sText += ""; sText += tr("GIG (libgig) file support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_INSTRUMENT_NAME sText += ""; sText += tr("LSCP (liblscp) instrument_name support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_MUTE_SOLO sText += ""; sText += tr("Sampler channel Mute/Solo support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_AUDIO_ROUTING sText += ""; sText += tr("LSCP (liblscp) audio_routing support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_FXSEND sText += ""; sText += tr("Sampler channel Effect Sends support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_VOLUME sText += ""; sText += tr("Global volume support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT sText += ""; sText += tr("MIDI instrument mapping support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif #ifndef CONFIG_EDIT_INSTRUMENT sText += ""; sText += tr("Instrument editing support disabled."); sText += "
"; #endif sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Using") + ": "; sText += ::lscp_client_package(); sText += " "; sText += ::lscp_client_version(); #ifdef CONFIG_LIBGIG sText += ", "; sText += gig::libraryName().c_str(); sText += " "; sText += gig::libraryVersion().c_str(); #endif sText += "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("Website") + ": " QSAMPLER_WEBSITE "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += ""; sText += QSAMPLER_COPYRIGHT "
\n"; sText += "
\n"; sText += tr("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it") + "
\n"; sText += tr("under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later."); sText += "
"; sText += "

\n"; QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About") + " " QSAMPLER_TITLE, sText); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Main window stabilization. void qsamplerMainForm::stabilizeForm (void) { // Update the main application caption... QString sSessionName = sessionName(m_sFilename); if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) sSessionName += " *"; setCaption(tr(QSAMPLER_TITLE " - [%1]").arg(sSessionName)); // Update the main menu state... qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = activeChannelStrip(); bool bHasClient = (m_pOptions != NULL && m_pClient != NULL); bool bHasChannel = (bHasClient && pChannelStrip != NULL); fileNewAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileOpenAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileSaveAction->setEnabled(bHasClient && m_iDirtyCount > 0); fileSaveAsAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileResetAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); fileRestartAction->setEnabled(bHasClient || m_pServer == NULL); editAddChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); editRemoveChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); editSetupChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); editResetChannelAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); editResetAllChannelsAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); viewMessagesAction->setOn(m_pMessages && m_pMessages->isVisible()); #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT viewInstrumentsAction->setOn(m_pInstrumentListForm && m_pInstrumentListForm->isVisible()); viewInstrumentsAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); #endif viewDevicesAction->setOn(m_pDeviceForm && m_pDeviceForm->isVisible()); viewDevicesAction->setEnabled(bHasClient); channelsArrangeAction->setEnabled(bHasChannel); #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME // Toolbar widgets are also affected... m_pVolumeSlider->setEnabled(bHasClient); m_pVolumeSpinBox->setEnabled(bHasClient); #endif // Client/Server status... if (bHasClient) { m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]->setText(tr("Connected")); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]->setText(m_pOptions->sServerHost + ":" + QString::number(m_pOptions->iServerPort)); } else { m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CLIENT]->clear(); m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SERVER]->clear(); } // Channel status... if (bHasChannel) m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]->setText(pChannelStrip->caption()); else m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_CHANNEL]->clear(); // Session status... if (m_iDirtyCount > 0) m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]->setText(tr("MOD")); else m_statusItem[QSAMPLER_STATUS_SESSION]->clear(); // Recent files menu. m_pRecentFilesMenu->setEnabled(bHasClient && m_pOptions->recentFiles.count() > 0); // Always make the latest message visible. if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->scrollToBottom(); } // Global volume change receiver slot. void qsamplerMainForm::volumeChanged ( int iVolume ) { #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME if (m_iVolumeChanging > 0) return; m_iVolumeChanging++; // Update the toolbar widgets... if (m_pVolumeSlider->value() != iVolume) m_pVolumeSlider->setValue(iVolume); if (m_pVolumeSpinBox->value() != iVolume) m_pVolumeSpinBox->setValue(iVolume); // Do it as commanded... float fVolume = 0.01f * float(iVolume); if (::lscp_set_volume(m_pClient, fVolume) == LSCP_OK) appendMessages(QObject::tr("Volume: %1.").arg(fVolume)); else appendMessagesClient("lscp_set_volume"); m_iVolumeChanging--; m_iDirtyCount++; stabilizeForm(); #endif } // Channel change receiver slot. void qsamplerMainForm::channelStripChanged( qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip ) { // Add this strip to the changed list... if (m_changedStrips.containsRef(pChannelStrip) == 0) { m_changedStrips.append(pChannelStrip); pChannelStrip->resetErrorCount(); } // Just mark the dirty form. m_iDirtyCount++; // and update the form status... stabilizeForm(); } // Grab and restore current sampler channels session. void qsamplerMainForm::updateSession (void) { #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME int iVolume = ::lroundf(100.0f * ::lscp_get_volume(m_pClient)); m_iVolumeChanging++; m_pVolumeSlider->setValue(iVolume); m_pVolumeSpinBox->setValue(iVolume); m_iVolumeChanging--; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MIDI_INSTRUMENT // FIXME: Make some room for default instrument maps... int iMaps = ::lscp_get_midi_instrument_maps(m_pClient); if (iMaps < 0) appendMessagesClient("lscp_get_midi_instrument_maps"); else if (iMaps < 1) { ::lscp_add_midi_instrument_map(m_pClient, tr("Chromatic").latin1()); ::lscp_add_midi_instrument_map(m_pClient, tr("Drum Kits").latin1()); } #endif // Retrieve the current channel list. int *piChannelIDs = ::lscp_list_channels(m_pClient); if (piChannelIDs == NULL) { if (::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)) { appendMessagesClient("lscp_list_channels"); appendMessagesError(tr("Could not get current list of channels.\n\nSorry.")); } } else { // Try to (re)create each channel. m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; piChannelIDs[iChannel] >= 0; iChannel++) { // Check if theres already a channel strip for this one... if (!channelStrip(piChannelIDs[iChannel])) createChannelStrip(new qsamplerChannel(piChannelIDs[iChannel])); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // Do we auto-arrange? if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) channelsArrange(); // Remember to refresh devices and instruments... if (m_pInstrumentListForm) m_pInstrumentListForm->refreshInstruments(); if (m_pDeviceForm) m_pDeviceForm->refreshDevices(); } // Update the recent files list and menu. void qsamplerMainForm::updateRecentFiles ( const QString& sFilename ) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Remove from list if already there (avoid duplicates) QStringList::Iterator iter = m_pOptions->recentFiles.find(sFilename); if (iter != m_pOptions->recentFiles.end()) m_pOptions->recentFiles.remove(iter); // Put it to front... m_pOptions->recentFiles.push_front(sFilename); // May update the menu. updateRecentFilesMenu(); } // Update the recent files list and menu. void qsamplerMainForm::updateRecentFilesMenu (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Time to keep the list under limits. int iRecentFiles = m_pOptions->recentFiles.count(); while (iRecentFiles > m_pOptions->iMaxRecentFiles) { m_pOptions->recentFiles.pop_back(); iRecentFiles--; } // rebuild the recent files menu... m_pRecentFilesMenu->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < iRecentFiles; i++) { const QString& sFilename = m_pOptions->recentFiles[i]; if (QFileInfo(sFilename).exists()) { m_pRecentFilesMenu->insertItem(QString("&%1 %2") .arg(i + 1).arg(sessionName(sFilename)), this, SLOT(fileOpenRecent(int)), 0, i); } } } // Force update of the channels instrument names mode. void qsamplerMainForm::updateInstrumentNames (void) { // Full channel list update... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->updateInstrumentName(true); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // Force update of the channels display font. void qsamplerMainForm::updateDisplayFont (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Check if display font is legal. if (m_pOptions->sDisplayFont.isEmpty()) return; // Realize it. QFont font; if (!font.fromString(m_pOptions->sDisplayFont)) return; // Full channel list update... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->setDisplayFont(font); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // Update channel strips background effect. void qsamplerMainForm::updateDisplayEffect (void) { QPixmap pm; if (m_pOptions->bDisplayEffect) pm = QPixmap::fromMimeSource("displaybg1.png"); // Full channel list update... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->setDisplayBackground(pm); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // Force update of the channels maximum volume setting. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMaxVolume (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; #ifdef CONFIG_VOLUME m_iVolumeChanging++; m_pVolumeSlider->setMaxValue(m_pOptions->iMaxVolume); m_pVolumeSpinBox->setMaxValue(m_pOptions->iMaxVolume); m_iVolumeChanging--; #endif // Full channel list update... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return; m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->setMaxVolume(m_pOptions->iMaxVolume); } m_pWorkspace->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Messages window form handlers. // Messages output methods. void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessages( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessages(s); statusBar()->message(s, 3000); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesColor( const QString& s, const QString& c ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessagesColor(s, c); statusBar()->message(s, 3000); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesText( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendMessagesText(s); } void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesError( const QString& s ) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->show(); appendMessagesColor(s.simplifyWhiteSpace(), "#ff0000"); // Make it look responsive...:) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); QMessageBox::critical(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Error"), s, tr("Cancel")); } // This is a special message format, just for client results. void qsamplerMainForm::appendMessagesClient( const QString& s ) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; appendMessagesColor(s + QString(": %1 (errno=%2)") .arg(::lscp_client_get_result(m_pClient)) .arg(::lscp_client_get_errno(m_pClient)), "#996666"); // Make it look responsive...:) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); } // Force update of the messages font. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesFont (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages && !m_pOptions->sMessagesFont.isEmpty()) { QFont font; if (font.fromString(m_pOptions->sMessagesFont)) m_pMessages->setMessagesFont(font); } } // Update messages window line limit. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesLimit (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages) { if (m_pOptions->bMessagesLimit) m_pMessages->setMessagesLimit(m_pOptions->iMessagesLimitLines); else m_pMessages->setMessagesLimit(-1); } } // Enablement of the messages capture feature. void qsamplerMainForm::updateMessagesCapture (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->setCaptureEnabled(m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- MDI channel strip management. // The channel strip creation executive. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::createChannelStrip ( qsamplerChannel *pChannel ) { if (m_pClient == NULL || pChannel == NULL) return NULL; // Prepare for auto-arrange? qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = NULL; int y = 0; if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) { QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) { // y += pChannelStrip->height() + pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); y += pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); } } } // Add a new channel itema... WFlags wflags = Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_Tool | Qt::WStyle_Title | Qt::WStyle_NoBorder; pChannelStrip = new qsamplerChannelStrip(m_pWorkspace, 0, wflags); if (pChannelStrip == NULL) return NULL; // Actual channel strip setup... pChannelStrip->setup(pChannel); QObject::connect(pChannelStrip, SIGNAL(channelChanged(qsamplerChannelStrip *)), SLOT(channelStripChanged(qsamplerChannelStrip *))); // Set some initial aesthetic options... if (m_pOptions) { // Background display effect... pChannelStrip->setDisplayEffect(m_pOptions->bDisplayEffect); // We'll need a display font. QFont font; if (font.fromString(m_pOptions->sDisplayFont)) pChannelStrip->setDisplayFont(font); // Maximum allowed volume setting. pChannelStrip->setMaxVolume(m_pOptions->iMaxVolume); } // Now we show up us to the world. pChannelStrip->show(); // Only then, we'll auto-arrange... if (m_pOptions && m_pOptions->bAutoArrange) { int iWidth = m_pWorkspace->width(); // int iHeight = pChannel->height() + pChannel->parentWidget()->baseSize().height(); int iHeight = pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->frameGeometry().height(); pChannelStrip->parentWidget()->setGeometry(0, y, iWidth, iHeight); } // This is pretty new, so we'll watch for it closely. channelStripChanged(pChannelStrip); // Return our successful reference... return pChannelStrip; } // Retrieve the active channel strip. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::activeChannelStrip (void) { return (qsamplerChannelStrip *) m_pWorkspace->activeWindow(); } // Retrieve a channel strip by index. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::channelStripAt ( int iChannel ) { QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return NULL; return (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); } // Retrieve a channel strip by sampler channel id. qsamplerChannelStrip *qsamplerMainForm::channelStrip ( int iChannelID ) { QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (wlist.isEmpty()) return NULL; for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) { qsamplerChannel *pChannel = pChannelStrip->channel(); if (pChannel && pChannel->channelID() == iChannelID) return pChannelStrip; } } // Not found. return NULL; } // Construct the windows menu. void qsamplerMainForm::channelsMenuAboutToShow (void) { channelsMenu->clear(); channelsArrangeAction->addTo(channelsMenu); channelsAutoArrangeAction->addTo(channelsMenu); QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); if (!wlist.isEmpty()) { channelsMenu->insertSeparator(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) { int iItemID = channelsMenu->insertItem(pChannelStrip->caption(), this, SLOT(channelsMenuActivated(int))); channelsMenu->setItemParameter(iItemID, iChannel); channelsMenu->setItemChecked(iItemID, activeChannelStrip() == pChannelStrip); } } } } // Windows menu activation slot void qsamplerMainForm::channelsMenuActivated ( int iChannel ) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = channelStripAt(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip) pChannelStrip->showNormal(); pChannelStrip->setFocus(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Timer stuff. // Set the pseudo-timer delay schedule. void qsamplerMainForm::startSchedule ( int iStartDelay ) { m_iStartDelay = 1 + (iStartDelay * 1000); m_iTimerDelay = 0; } // Suspend the pseudo-timer delay schedule. void qsamplerMainForm::stopSchedule (void) { m_iStartDelay = 0; m_iTimerDelay = 0; } // Timer slot funtion. void qsamplerMainForm::timerSlot (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Is it the first shot on server start after a few delay? if (m_iTimerDelay < m_iStartDelay) { m_iTimerDelay += QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS; if (m_iTimerDelay >= m_iStartDelay) { // If we cannot start it now, maybe a lil'mo'later ;) if (!startClient()) { m_iStartDelay += m_iTimerDelay; m_iTimerDelay = 0; } } } if (m_pClient) { // Update the channel information for each pending strip... if (m_changedStrips.count() > 0) { for (qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = m_changedStrips.first(); pChannelStrip; pChannelStrip = m_changedStrips.next()) { // If successfull, remove from pending list... if (pChannelStrip->updateChannelInfo()) m_changedStrips.remove(pChannelStrip); } } // Refresh each channel usage, on each period... if (m_pOptions->bAutoRefresh) { m_iTimerSlot += QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS; if (m_iTimerSlot >= m_pOptions->iAutoRefreshTime) { m_iTimerSlot = 0; // Update the channel stream usage for each strip... QWidgetList wlist = m_pWorkspace->windowList(); for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < (int) wlist.count(); iChannel++) { qsamplerChannelStrip *pChannelStrip = (qsamplerChannelStrip *) wlist.at(iChannel); if (pChannelStrip && pChannelStrip->isVisible()) pChannelStrip->updateChannelUsage(); } } } } // Register the next timer slot. QTimer::singleShot(QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS, this, SLOT(timerSlot())); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Server stuff. // Start linuxsampler server... void qsamplerMainForm::startServer (void) { if (m_pOptions == NULL) return; // Aren't already a client, are we? if (!m_pOptions->bServerStart || m_pClient) return; // Is the server process instance still here? if (m_pServer) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, QSAMPLER_TITLE ": " + tr("Warning"), tr("Could not start the LinuxSampler server.\n\n" "Maybe it ss already started."), tr("Stop"), tr("Kill"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: m_pServer->tryTerminate(); break; case 1: m_pServer->kill(); break; } return; } // Reset our timer counters... stopSchedule(); // OK. Let's build the startup process... m_pServer = new QProcess(this); // Setup stdout/stderr capture... // if (m_pOptions->bStdoutCapture) { m_pServer->setCommunication( QProcess::Stdout | QProcess::Stderr | QProcess::DupStderr); QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()), SLOT(readServerStdout())); QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()), SLOT(readServerStdout())); // } // The unforgiveable signal communication... QObject::connect(m_pServer, SIGNAL(processExited()), SLOT(processServerExit())); // Build process arguments... m_pServer->setArguments(QStringList::split(' ', m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine)); appendMessages(tr("Server is starting...")); appendMessagesColor(m_pOptions->sServerCmdLine, "#990099"); // Go jack, go... if (!m_pServer->start()) { appendMessagesError(tr("Could not start server.\n\nSorry.")); processServerExit(); return; } // Show startup results... appendMessages(tr("Server was started with PID=%1.").arg((long) m_pServer->processIdentifier())); // Reset (yet again) the timer counters, // but this time is deferred as the user opted. startSchedule(m_pOptions->iStartDelay); stabilizeForm(); } // Stop linuxsampler server... void qsamplerMainForm::stopServer (void) { // Stop client code. stopClient(); // And try to stop server. if (m_pServer) { appendMessages(tr("Server is stopping...")); if (m_pServer->isRunning()) m_pServer->tryTerminate(); } // Give it some time to terminate gracefully and stabilize... QTime t; t.start(); while (t.elapsed() < QSAMPLER_TIMER_MSECS) QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput); // Do final processing anyway. processServerExit(); } // Stdout handler... void qsamplerMainForm::readServerStdout (void) { if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->appendStdoutBuffer(m_pServer->readStdout()); } // Linuxsampler server cleanup. void qsamplerMainForm::processServerExit (void) { // Force client code cleanup. stopClient(); // Flush anything that maybe pending... if (m_pMessages) m_pMessages->flushStdoutBuffer(); if (m_pServer) { // Force final server shutdown... appendMessages(tr("Server was stopped with exit status %1.").arg(m_pServer->exitStatus())); if (!m_pServer->normalExit()) m_pServer->kill(); // Destroy it. delete m_pServer; m_pServer = NULL; } // Again, make status visible stable. stabilizeForm(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // qsamplerMainForm -- Client stuff. // The LSCP client callback procedure. lscp_status_t qsampler_client_callback ( lscp_client_t */*pClient*/, lscp_event_t event, const char *pchData, int cchData, void *pvData ) { qsamplerMainForm *pMainForm = (qsamplerMainForm *) pvData; if (pMainForm == NULL) return LSCP_FAILED; // ATTN: DO NOT EVER call any GUI code here, // as this is run under some other thread context. // A custom event must be posted here... QApplication::postEvent(pMainForm, new qsamplerCustomEvent(event, pchData, cchData)); return LSCP_OK; } // Start our almighty client... bool qsamplerMainForm::startClient (void) { // Have it a setup? if (m_pOptions == NULL) return false; // Aren't we already started, are we? if (m_pClient) return true; // Log prepare here. appendMessages(tr("Client connecting...")); // Create the client handle... m_pClient = ::lscp_client_create(m_pOptions->sServerHost.latin1(), m_pOptions->iServerPort, qsampler_client_callback, this); if (m_pClient == NULL) { // Is this the first try? // maybe we need to start a local server... if ((m_pServer && m_pServer->isRunning()) || !m_pOptions->bServerStart) appendMessagesError(tr("Could not connect to server as client.\n\nSorry.")); else startServer(); // This is always a failure. stabilizeForm(); return false; } // Just set receive timeout value, blindly. ::lscp_client_set_timeout(m_pClient, m_pOptions->iServerTimeout); appendMessages(tr("Client receive timeout is set to %1 msec.").arg(::lscp_client_get_timeout(m_pClient))); // Subscribe to channel info change notifications... if (::lscp_client_subscribe(m_pClient, LSCP_EVENT_CHANNEL_INFO) != LSCP_OK) appendMessagesClient("lscp_client_subscribe"); // We may stop scheduling around. stopSchedule(); // We'll accept drops from now on... setAcceptDrops(true); // Log success here. appendMessages(tr("Client connected.")); // Hard-notify instrumnet and device configuration forms, // if visible, that we're ready... if (m_pInstrumentListForm) m_pInstrumentListForm->refreshInstruments(); if (m_pDeviceForm) m_pDeviceForm->refreshDevices(); // Is any session pending to be loaded? if (!m_pOptions->sSessionFile.isEmpty()) { // Just load the prabably startup session... if (loadSessionFile(m_pOptions->sSessionFile)) { m_pOptions->sSessionFile = QString::null; return true; } } // Make a new session return newSession(); } // Stop client... void qsamplerMainForm::stopClient (void) { if (m_pClient == NULL) return; // Log prepare here. appendMessages(tr("Client disconnecting...")); // Clear timer counters... stopSchedule(); // We'll reject drops from now on... setAcceptDrops(false); // Force any channel strips around, but // but avoid removing the corresponding // channels from the back-end server. m_iDirtyCount = 0; closeSession(false); // Close us as a client... ::lscp_client_unsubscribe(m_pClient, LSCP_EVENT_CHANNEL_INFO); ::lscp_client_destroy(m_pClient); m_pClient = NULL; // Hard-notify instrumnet and device configuration forms, // if visible, that we're running out... if (m_pInstrumentListForm) m_pInstrumentListForm->refreshInstruments(); if (m_pDeviceForm) m_pDeviceForm->refreshDevices(); // Log final here. appendMessages(tr("Client disconnected.")); // Make visible status. stabilizeForm(); } // end of qsamplerMainForm.ui.h